In Accounting, if you need to create a new bank account, start by going to the Accounts tab on the left navigation.  Select an HID from the drop down.

From there, on the top-right, click Add Account.

When you select this, you'll have a new tab where the account information needs to be added before clicking Save and moving onto the "Check tab. Pay close attention to the COA note. 

IF PRO TIP: Do not create a COA for the new bank account. This is simultaneously created when following the steps above. 

IF PRO TIP: If you need help creating an account, you can open a new tab and use an existing bank account's set up as an example. 

IF PRO TIP: All bank accounts and credit card accounts must have their own unique Chart of Account (COA). Review your current Chart of Accounts to pick the next account in sequence. For example, if the bank account COAs end at 01054, you would use 01055 as the next COA for the bank account.