See below for more details into the enhancements released:


POSITIVE PAY: Ameris and Origin Bank 

We have implemented a positive pay format for Ameris and Origin Bank. Positive Pay is enabled and controlled within the Register of the bank account, and by selecting Edit Account on the top right in the triple dot menu.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: AP Inbox – Save as Default View 

This release introduces a new "Save as Default" option in the AP Inbox, allowing users to personalize their view settings to either the Gallery view or Table view as their default, This streamlines their workflow by automatically displaying their preferred view. 

The "Save as Default" option is located in the cog wheel menu, and once set, the view will persist across sessions, loading automatically upon future logins.  


BANKING: Repeating Credit Card Debits 

This release introduces the ability for users to set up repeating Credit Card - Debit transactions within the Register > Credit Card Accounts screen. This enhancement allows users to automate recurring credit card expenses, reducing manual intervention and ensuring timely payments. Once a user creates a repeating credit card payment, the transaction will automatically appear on the Repeating Transactions page. The feature is similar to the existing repeating functionality for withdrawals and deposits. 

For more details, please refer to knowledge base article How do I set up Repeating Credit Card Charges?



BANKING: Manual Statement Import - Updates 

This release enhances the Bank Sync functionality by introducing a duplicate transaction validation based on the description field, in addition to the existing validation based on amount and date. This ensures that duplicate transactions are detected more accurately during the bank statement upload process, reducing the risk of data discrepancies. 

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: AP Inbox – Invoice Extraction Enhancements 

This release introduces several updates to improve the user experience on the Invoice Extraction Mapping page, making the mapping process more intuitive and streamlined. Key Changes are: 

Button Changes: 

  • "Remap" is now "Remove Mapping". Clicking it clears the mapped field. 
  • After removing, the button changes to "Map Data from PDF" 

Field Mapping Options: 

  • Users can remove a mapping and either select values from a list or map directly from the PDF. 

Conflict Handling: 

  • Mapped fields in the Header will appear grayed out in Line Items. 

Automatic Detection: 

  • The system auto-detects description/amount fields across pages and pre-selects them. 
  • Users can deselect, but all selections must have the same name. 

Grouped by Name: 

  • Drop-down items are now grouped by name, not page. 



PMS INTEGRATION: Cloudbeds Property Management System (PMS) 

The new integration with Cloudbeds PMS via API allows seamless collection of essential operational and financial data, including room statistics, revenue, taxes, payments, segmentation, ledger activity, and deposit audits. This integration streamlines data synchronization, ensuring real-time accuracy for reporting and financial reconciliation, while reducing manual entry and improving overall efficiency.

REPORTS: Labor & Accounting Daily Flash Report 

This release introduces a new Labor & Accounting Daily Flash Report in the Labor module, reports section, aimed at providing an overview of labor and accounting performance for a selected date. The report supports: 

  1. Group: Displays the property's group or "All Hotels". 

  1. Entity Name: The full name of the entity, wrapped after 20 characters. 

  1. Occ % Today / Occ % Same Date LY: Occupancy percentage for today and the same date last year. 

  1. ADR Today / ADR Same Date LY: Average Daily Rate for today and last year. 

  1. Room Revenue: Today, Month-to-Date (MTD), and comparisons to the same date last year. 

  1. Direct Bill Ledger Balance / Guest Ledger: Balances as of today. 

  1. Out of Order Rooms: Number of rooms out of order today. 

  1. Labor Actual Hours / Labor Budget Hours: Actual vs. budgeted labor hours for today. 

  1. Variance: Difference between actual and budgeted labor hours. 


The Labor & Accounting Daily Flash Report can be set up for automatic email distribution, with real-time data displayed alongside the last update timestamp. Access is managed through role-based permissions. 



LABOR MANAGEMENT: Netchex Payroll Auto-Export 

Managing labor and payroll efficiently is crucial for hotels, but it often involves complex manual processes, data entry errors, and compliance risks. General Managers, HR teams, and finance departments struggle with ensuring accurate time tracking, calculating overtime, and handling payroll while maintaining compliance with labor laws. These challenges lead to wasted time, inflated labor costs, and operational inefficiencies, making it difficult for hotels to remain competitive. 
By integrating Inn-Flow Labor with Netchex, we eliminate redundant tasks and ensure accurate payroll processing, while reducing compliance risks. 

Key Features 

  • The integration requires that rates, time, and attendance all be tracked in Inn-Flow.  
  • User creation and demographics are all updated in Netchex 
  • When a new user is created or an existing user is updated in Netchex, the information is sent automatically into Inn-Flow.  
  • When payroll is exported from Inn-Flow, rates, time and attendance are sent to Netchex automatically.


If you are interested in setting up the Netchex automation, please reach out to